Can IBS Become Worse? – The Lowdown

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You’ve probably heard of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) before. Maybe you’ve even been diagnosed and have firsthand experience with its annoying and often painful flare-ups

But can IBS become worse? Is it possible for this pesky little issue to suddenly spiral out of control if left unchecked?

The quick answer is yes, IBS can and will worsen if you don’t manage it. Flare-ups can last longer, become more intense, and even affect other areas of your life if you aren’t careful! 

Continue reading for useful tips to help manage your symptoms, minimize flares, and generally keep your gastrointestinal distress in check.

Causes of IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic digestive disorder affecting around 11% of people worldwide [1]. Symptoms often include abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. 

People with IBS may experience one or more of these symptoms, varying from person to person. The exact cause of IBS is unknown, but certain foods, stress, and other factors may worsen symptoms. 

Probiotics and dietary changes may help reduce symptoms, but it’s important to consult a doctor for advice that is tailored to you. 

By understanding the causes of IBS, you can learn to manage your symptoms and improve your well-being.

How Can IBS Become Worse?

Stress or Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can be like an unwelcome guest – one that overstays their welcome, brings mess and destruction in their wake, and shows no signs of leaving! 

When it comes to IBS, increased stress and anxiety can (quite literally) be a real downer. From disrupted digestion patterns to cramps and bloating, managing stress levels is essential to keeping symptoms at bay. 

So take a deep breath, tell stress and anxiety it’s time to exit stage left, and keep your bowels happy.

Poor Dietary Choices

Eating too many of the wrong foods can take its toll on your gut: high FODMAP foods like onion, garlic, and mushrooms might seem perfectly fine but can wreak havoc on your digestive system! 

A diet focused on low FODMAP foods has been shown to be incredibly beneficial for those with IBS – so keep that in mind next time you go grocery shopping. Being healthy goes beyond just counting calories!

Lack of Exercise

Can’t keep up with the Joneses? Down to move the least? A sedentary lifestyle can actually worsen your IBS symptoms! 

Exercise not only helps keep you fit, but it also strengthens muscles and reduces stress – both essential for managing IBS. 

So, don’t skimp on that workout – take a walk, hit the gym, or take some time for gentle stretching. It might just be the most important thing you do today!

Tips to Manage IBS

Diet & Nutrition

Taking the first steps to better dietary regulation can improve your well-being considerably. 

Put the bubble and bloat to rest with a low FODMAP food plan, specially tailored for you and overseen by an experienced dietician. 

Get into the routine of snacking smart: it’ll make all the difference between suffering from IBS and living your best life.

Lifestyle Changes

Don’t let IBS symptoms get you down – make a few lifestyle changes and take back control. 

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fiber, increasing your water intake, and exercising regularly are all great ways to manage IBS symptoms. 

Plus, maybe it’s time for a mindfulness reset, too – taking time out to relax can do wonders for the mind, body, and soul. 

Change may seem daunting at first, but trust me – it’ll be worth it in the long run!

Stress Management

Everyone gets stressed; it’s only natural. 

But high tension levels can trigger dreaded IBS symptoms like crampy pain, upset stomach, and bloating. 

Take a deep breath, step outside your comfort zone, and you may find that keeping stress levels in check is more beneficial than a cup of your favorite tea! 

Learn to take the pressure off and keep your irritable bowel syndrome under control.


Still struggling with IBS symptoms? 

Make an appointment with your doctor and see how medication can help – but don’t forget the power of diet and lifestyle changes! 

Remember: speaking to a medical professional is good, but making sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes is even better for managing your IBS.

Can IBS Become Worse? – Conclusion

So there you have it, friends! – IBS can become worse if not properly managed. 

Stay hydrated, explore your food triggers, and seek help when needed. 

Diet isn’t the only solution – engage in activities that boost your mood and help you destress. 

If all else fails, visit a specialist who can understand your particular case and provide the best solution. 

After all, no one should have to suffer through their IBS journey alone!

Disclaimer: This content is based on my personal experience as an individual diagnosed with celiac disease and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) who follows a strict gluten-free diet. This does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a medical professional, nutritionist, or qualified dietitian for personalized, professional advice.

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